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 M915 Aster

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Frédéric Van Brande
Frédéric Van Brande

Nombre de messages : 2193
Age : 64
Localisation : waterloo (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyDim 11 Avr 2010 - 9:13

hurler La flotte SNMCMG1 remonte le Kiel canal.
Ils arrivent à l'écluse de Kiel.
Cela n’est pas prévu au programme.
Peut être suite au décès des hautes personnalités Polonaises.
@ suivre...
M915 Aster - Page 6 1_aste21

Frédo le marin marin simson
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nous a quitté
nous a quitté

Nombre de messages : 2429
Age : 68
Localisation : Ostende (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyDim 11 Avr 2010 - 10:50

Info de derniére Minute, L'Aster et le reste font route vers la Baltique cela n'est pas prévus d'après des sources de Brux
Cela a peu etre un lien avec la Mort accidentéle du Président de Pologne
On tient le forum au 220 V
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nous a quitté
nous a quitté

Nombre de messages : 2429
Age : 68
Localisation : Ostende (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyDim 11 Avr 2010 - 19:19

RENARD a écrit:
Info de derniére Minute, L'Aster et le reste font route vers la Baltique cela n'est pas prévus d'après des sources de Brux
Cela a peu etre un lien avec la Mort accidentéle du Président de Pologne
On tient le forum au 220 V

Il serai dans la base Militaire" LOUISENBERG ECKERNFÖRDE" au nord de Kiel
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nous a quitté
nous a quitté

Nombre de messages : 2429
Age : 68
Localisation : Ostende (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyLun 12 Avr 2010 - 18:52

Le programme est inchanger pour l'instant (ZEB) destination ALBORG
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Nombre de messages : 46375
Age : 56
Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyLun 12 Avr 2010 - 19:46

Le M915 ASTER dans le canal de Kiel, le 8 avril.

Citation :
Après avoir agrandi les images miniatures ci-dessous,
sur la page de shipspotting.com vous cliquez sur M915 Aster - Page 6 00000010 pour voir les photos en grand format.

click the image for a larger version
M915 Aster - Page 6 Ship+Photo+ASTER+M915

click the image for a larger version
M915 Aster - Page 6 Ship+Photo+Aster+M915


Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !

---> voir ma présentation

M915 Aster - Page 6 001_0010
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Nombre de messages : 46375
Age : 56
Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyLun 17 Mai 2010 - 8:36


L'OTAN en opération de déminage devant les côtes françaises

Les SNMCMG (Standing Nato Mine Counter Measures Group) 1 et 2, ainsi que deux chasseurs de mines français, ont fait relâche, ce week-end, dans le port du Havre. Avec les deux bâtiments de la Marine nationale, les deux groupes permanents de guerre des mines de l'OTAN alignent deux bâtiments de commandement et 10 chasseurs de mines. Il s'agit de la frégate italienne Granatiere, du bâtiment de soutien logistique polonais Kontradmiral X. Czernicki, des chasseurs de mines Aster (Belgique), Walney (Grande-Bretagne), Rottweil (Allemagne), Rimini (Italie) et Segura (Espagne), Amasra (Turquie), auxquels sont associés les chasseurs français Eridan et Céphée.....

Lire la suite et voir les photos sur ---> meretmarine.com

marin barre


Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !

---> voir ma présentation

M915 Aster - Page 6 001_0010
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMer 19 Mai 2010 - 11:32

4 May 2010

SNMCMG1 plays her part in Brilliant Mariner 2010

NATO’s Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) took part in Exercise Brilliant Mariner 2010. The Group comprised 13 ships and 3 land Explosive Ordnance Disposal(EOD) Teams, representing 10 NATO countries and 1 Partnership for Peace country. Units conducted Mine Hunting, Mine Sweeping, Countermining Exercises, Asymmetric Exercises as well as contributing to the Recognised Maritime Picture. During the exercise SNMCMG1 was certificated for her role within the NRF 15 organisation. Sailors from Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the USA conducted two huge MCM exercises. The first was an Historical Ordnance Disposal Operations (HOD Ops) between 12 - 17 April 2010 and the second was an Exploratory Operation clearing the approaches to and port of Frederikshavn between 18 - 22 April 2010. During the exercises all units had to defend against both air and surface attacks. HOD Ops proved that all units are well-prepared for the MCM task ahead. During this phase 28 of the 30 exercise mines laid were found by the MCMV’s. Brilliant Mariner 2010 also proved that MCMVs are always ready to conduct real operations. During the second part of the exercise, the Danish minehunter HMDS MAKRELEN found and identified a live mine which was a remnant from WWII. The mine was reported to Danish authorities and will be destroyed making the sea a safer place. In addition, HMDS MAKRELEN also participated in a search and rescue operation, rescuing three crew members from a fishing boat. They were later disembarked at Ebeltoft.
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMer 19 Mai 2010 - 11:34

4 May 2010

FGS Rottweil Joins SNMCMG1

The Dive Support Ship, FGS ROTTWEIL, joined SNMCMG1 alongside in Aalborg, Denmark, on Sunday 25 April 2010 and is now the fifth unit in the Group. She replaces the German minehunter, FGS PASSAU who left the Group on Thursday 22 April 2010 and proceeded back to her home port of Kiel. FGS Rottweil will remain with SNMCMG1 for 8 months. SNMCMG1 continues with their busy programme, which sees them participating in Beneficial Cooperation 2010 at the beginning of May 2010. This will be FGS ROTTWEIL’s first operation as part of the Group.
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMer 19 Mai 2010 - 11:35

4 May 2010

SNMCMG1 in Aalborg

After a busy few weeks a port visit to Aalborg, Denmark, gave NATO’s Standing Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) an opportunity to rest and to open the ships to members of the public. The Group visited Aalborg 23 – 26 April 2010. The Group entered Aalborg harbour at 0900 local, Friday 23 April 2010. The Command Ship ORP Kontradmiral Xawery CZERNICKI the first unit to berth, followed by MCMV’s HMS WALNEY, BNS ASTER and HNLMS MIDDELBURG. On behalf of COMSNMCMG1, the Principal Staff Officer, Lieutenant Commander Prideaux McLeod Hattle (RN) called on the Garrison Commander, King Christian IV Guild, Deputy Mayor of Aalborg and Aalborg Naval Association. SNMCMG1 sailors also had an opportunity to participate in the Mayors reception, held in the Old Town Hall, visit the Aalborg Maritime Museum and meet with members of the Aalborg Naval Association. SNMCMG1 conducted a Ship Open to Visitors day 24 April 10, allowing members of the public to visit the Minehunters and the Flag Ship, seeing the ships and their equipment at first hand. The day also allowed the public to meet and talk with a number of sailors who explained what life at sea was like. In total, 670 people visited SNMCMG1 units through the day.All ships departed Aalborg at 10.00am on Monday 26 April and commenced their transit to Den Helder, the Netherlands, where SNMCMG1 will prepare for their involvement in Beneficial Cooperation 2010. For the Group, this will be the second time this year that they have conducted Historical Ordnance Disposal Operations in the vicinity of the Netherlands and Belgium coast, contributing to make the sea a safer place.
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMer 19 Mai 2010 - 11:39

Historic Ordnance exercise a success.

Over a nine day period between 4 - 12 May 2010 NATO’s Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) participated in live ordnance disposal operations codenamed Beneficial Cooperation 2010 (BC 2010). Although the weather conditions had a huge influence on our mission, 3 minehunters and 1 diver support ship supported by the command platform, located and disposed of 6 individual pieces of underwater
explosive ordnance (UXOs) remaining from WWII, further reducing the risk from unexploded bombs and mines the North Sea.

SNMCMG1 conducted Beneficial Cooperation 2010 for the second time this year returning to the North Sea in May; the Group’s first involvement was in February 2010. The main focus during BC 2010 was on reducing the risk to both merchant seamen and fishermen from live ordnance. Mine counter measure vessels were assigned to specific areas, concentrating on locating and disposing of unexploded
ordnance. The operation proved to be extremely demanding for the ships and their crew, with the weather conditions unfavourable for the most part – at times, the waves were over 2 metres high. Additionally, divers were limited by the tidal windows, which in some instances only presented a 2 hour period, 3 times per day, when conditions were within the acceptable and safe limits for diving operations.
Despite this units managed to achieve a very successful result by the end of the operation. 1 torpedo and 5 aircraft bombs were destroyed.

During the operation, SNMCMG1 also bid the minehunter, HNLMS MIDDELBURG, farewell.
Having completed her assignment to SNMCMG1 on the last day of the operation; she left to return to her home port. HNLMS MIDDELBURG spent over 3 months in the Group participating in all operations and exercises together with the other assigned MCMV’s.
COMSNMCMG1, Cdr Krzysztof Rybak, personally thanked the crew of HNLMS MIDDELBURG for their dedication, support and professionalism, wishing all; fair winds and following seas.
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMer 19 Mai 2010 - 11:41

14 May

SNMCMG1 Media Day

A media day was conducted onboard two of NATO’s Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) units; the Flagship ORP Kontradmiral Xawery CZERNICKI and the minehunter HNLMS MIDDELBURG, on Tuesday 11th May 2010. It was organized during exercise “Beneficial Cooperation 2010” when SNMCMG1 units were conducting live ordnance disposal operations. The event provided an opportunity to experience a day in the life of a minehunter. The journalists were picked up from Vlissingen harbour and during the transfer journey Commander SNMCMG1, Cdr Krzysztof Rybak gave a short presentation on the history and core business of the Group SNMCMG1 to the press representatives. They were also able to tour the Flag Ship, learning about her facilities and capabilities. The journalists were transferred to HNLMS MIDDELBURG around midday for the mine disposal demonstration and witnessed a spectacular explosion, greatly impressing all. The day was a huge success and enabled SNMCMG1 to increase the awareness of the work that the Group does in making the sea safer for all users.

Source: SNMCMG1 Current News
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Nombre de messages : 46375
Age : 56
Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyLun 20 Sep 2010 - 23:10

Le M915 Aster dans l'opération Open Spirit 2010

Journal de bord ---> Journal de bord - du 23 Août au 6 septembre

Galerie photos ---> Open Spirit 2010 - partie 1

marin barre


Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !

---> voir ma présentation

M915 Aster - Page 6 001_0010
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Nombre de messages : 46375
Age : 56
Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyLun 20 Sep 2010 - 23:14

Ce ne serait pas l'ami "Fred Blaise" avec les lunettes de soleil ?

M915 Aster - Page 6 Img_0611
Passerelle de l'Aster durant Open Spirit 2010 (photo mil.be)


Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !

---> voir ma présentation

M915 Aster - Page 6 001_0010
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Stage de plongée - Duikstage   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMar 21 Sep 2010 - 11:35

Bonjour tout le monde,

L'Aster et le Primula sont partis lundi 20 septembre pour presque 2 semaines. Ils naviguent vers Dartmouth pour une stage de plongée. Ils reviennent vendredi 1 octobre.


Luv chief

Goeie middag iedereen,

De Aster en de Primula zijn gisteren 20 september vertrokken voor bijna 2 weken. Ze varen richting Dartmouth voor een duikstage. Hun terugkomst is voorzien op 1 oktober.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Luv chief

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Roger B.
Roger B.

Nombre de messages : 2854
Age : 90
Localisation : bruxelles 1160
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2010

M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 EmptyMar 21 Sep 2010 - 13:59

Dank u merci LUV chief cela m'intéresse de suivre nos navires ,comme tout ce qui touche à la MARINE
Beste groeten,amicalement
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M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 6 Empty

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M915 Aster
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