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 M915 Aster

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Frédéric Van Brande
Frédéric Van Brande

Nombre de messages : 2193
Age : 64
Localisation : waterloo (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyLun 8 Mar 2010 - 8:35

L’Aster vient d’allumer son émetteur AIS super
Le programme de l’Aster prévoie que SNMCMG1 quitte Copenhague ce lundi pour rejoindre Gdansk le samedi 13 mars.
Il sera possible de suivre la flotte sur une bonne partie du trajet.
Plusieurs conditions sont nécessaires pour suivre un navire.
Le principal est évidemment qu’il soit équipé du système AIS, C’est obligatoire pour tous les navires de plus de 300T et les navires transportant des matières polluantes ou dangereuses. affraid
Il faut aussi que le système soit allumer, que l’information envoyé soit suffisante pour reconnaitre le type de navire.
Il faut aussi que le signal envoyé soit détecté par une installation qui est connecté et inscrit aux services de http://www.marinetraffic.com
Beaucoup de conditions qui font que les navires sont souvent invisibles

@+ Frédo le marin marin simson
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jean-luc V
jean-luc V

Nombre de messages : 2049
Age : 74
Localisation : Genève, Suisse
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyLun 8 Mar 2010 - 21:41

Smilie 44

Ah mais moi aussi j'ai une photo avec la petite sirène de Copenhague avec mon kepi sur sa tête sifflotte

M915 Aster - Page 5 Numari15

Mais le guide dans le canot avec les touristes n'était vraiment pas très content lui !!! Smilie 20

(Avec MSO Dufour juillet 72)
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyVen 12 Mar 2010 - 11:31

11 Mar 10

NATO’s Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) conducted training at the start of March en-route to Copenhagen where they remained for 3 days.
The training was designed to improve interoperability within the Group and develop specialist knowledge in various subject fields. Despite the unfavourable weather conditions the training focusing on communication exercises, manoeuvering and transfer of crew members between ship by sea boat was successfully completed. The flagship, ORP Kontradmiral Xawery Czernicki also had an opportunity to conduct winching operations with a SAR helicopter from the Royal Danish Navy allowing the ship to practice her flight deck skills. The flagship entered Copenhagen harbour early on Friday 5 March followed by the other vessels in the group, HMS Walney, BNS Aster and HNLMS Middelburg.
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyVen 12 Mar 2010 - 11:33

12 Mar 10

Spring Has Sprung In SNMCMG1 With a Visit To Copenhagen

In the first days of March, Standing NATO Mine Countermeasure Group 1 conducted exercises during their transit through the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat to Copenhagen, Denmark. From Friday 5 to Sunday 7 March 2010; the Group were berthed in Copenhagen preparing for their next challenge – Exercise Basic Unit Training/Advanced Unit Training 2010 (Exercise BUT/AUT 10). COMSNMCMG1 also visited the Mayor of Copenhagen and the Naval Regional Officer Copenhagen.
SNMCMG1 conducting training en-route to Copenhagen during the first days of March. The training is designed to improve interoperability within the group and develop specialist knowledge in various subject fields. Despite the unfavorable weather conditions along our route, training was achieved, such as Communication Exercises, Manoeuvring Exercises and Crosspoll” – the transfer of crew members, by sea boat, between ships whilst underway, in this case in Kattegat. The Flag Ship also had an opportunity to conduct winching operations with a SAR Helicopter from the Royal Danish Navy, allowing the ship to practice her flight deck skills.
SNMCMG1 entered Copenhagen harbour at 0900 local, Friday 5 March 2010, the Command Ship, ORP Kontradmiral Xawery CZERNICKI, the first unit to berth, followed by MCMV’s BNS ASTER, HMS WALNEY and HNLMS MIDDELBURG. The Group were closely followed into harbour by a succession of German units; all of which were present for Exercise BUT/AUT 10. The port visit to Copenhagen was also an opportunity for SNMCMG1 crews to take some well deserved rest and recuperation, enjoying the spectacular sights and culture of the city. COMSNMCMG1 met with the Mayor of Copenhagen and the Naval Regional Officer Copenhagen, thanking them on behalf of the Group for the kind hospitality afforded to SNMCMG1 in the City of Copenhagen.
SNMCMG1 sailed on Monday 08 March at 0900, with 3 German MCMV’s in company, heading for their assigned exercise areas fully prepared for the challenges ahead.

Bron Nato.int
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMar 16 Mar 2010 - 11:06

Ref: SNMCMG1 2010/04

15th March 2010

NATO Minehunters join Danish Navy Exercise

NATO’s Minehunters joined units from the Danish and German navies to conduct warfare exercises in Danish territorial Water.

The exercise, organised by the Royal Danish Navy ran for three days from 8th – 10th March and provided an excellent opportunity for the Group to develop a broad range of warfare skills in preparation for forthcoming exercises and operations.

The main aim for the group was to further develop operational capability across the various warfare spheres whilst conducting a mine countermeasures exercise in the challenging environment of Danish waters.

Unfavourable conditions forced the Group to work hard to complete their assigned tasks but this was achieved and a number of exercise mines were located and recovered.

SNMCMG1 (Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1) detached from the main exercise group and began their transit to Gdansk, Poland in the early hours of 11th March. Shortly afterwards, they were joined by the German Minehunter FGS Passau.

FGS Passau together with the other Minehunters will conduct Group training, operational and international exercises in the forthcoming weeks. Their first undertaking will be Polish Route Survey Operations during which SNMCMG1 will operate alongside four Polish Minehunters. The exercise starts today when the NATO group meets up with the Polish units in the Bay of Gdansk.

Notes to editors
1. Exercise BUT – AUT began on departure from Copenhagen on 8th
March. The NATO group were joined by Danish minehunters HDMS Makrelen and HDMS Havkatten as well as the German minehunters FGS Siegburg, FGS Sulzbach-Rosenberg and FGS Datteln.
2. The Group’s involvement in various exercises and operations are crucial in maintaining the high readiness required of a Standing NATO Mine
Countermeasures Force.
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Frédéric Van Brande
Frédéric Van Brande

Nombre de messages : 2193
Age : 64
Localisation : waterloo (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMer 17 Mar 2010 - 10:19

L'Aster est toujours en panne à Gdynia ! pleure

source : https://www.facebook.com

question : vous etes toujours a quai en pologne?
réponse : oui, et encore pour quelques jours d'ailleurs!!!

@u 21 marin simson
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Frédéric Van Brande
Frédéric Van Brande

Nombre de messages : 2193
Age : 64
Localisation : waterloo (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMer 17 Mar 2010 - 12:56

Info via e-mail intra marine tchat

"L'Aster est toujours à Gdynia,pour une panne sur le sonar.
Transit demain soir vers warnemunde.
Arrivée prévue samedi dans la matinée."

@u 21 marin simson
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Nombre de messages : 3780
Age : 61
Localisation : Wiekevorst
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2009

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMer 17 Mar 2010 - 22:19

Bonsoir Godetia,pourais tu me faire savoir via ta source facebook si les frères Fonteyn se trouvent à bord de l'Aster?Ce sont des cousins à ma femme,Ingrid Delvaux.Merçi et à plusM915 Aster - Page 5 405572
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Frédéric Van Brande
Frédéric Van Brande

Nombre de messages : 2193
Age : 64
Localisation : waterloo (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyJeu 18 Mar 2010 - 8:39

speedy a écrit:
Bonsoir Godetia,pourais tu me faire savoir via ta source facebook si les frères Fonteyn se trouvent à bord de l'Aster?Ce sont des cousins à ma femme,Ingrid Delvaux.Merçi et à plusM915 Aster - Page 5 405572

Bonjour speedy

la réponse est faite en message privé Wink

@u 21 marin simson
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Nombre de messages : 3780
Age : 61
Localisation : Wiekevorst
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2009

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyJeu 18 Mar 2010 - 21:54

Merçi Godetia,au 21M915 Aster - Page 5 405572
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMar 23 Mar 2010 - 9:13

19 Mar 10

SNMCMG1 pays tribute to Defenders of Westerplatte

On March 13 representatives of all ships who are currently in SNMCMG1 held a ceremony at Westerplatte in Gdansk. Westerplatte peninsula has the unhappy distinction of being the site of the official start of the Second World War. COMSNMCMG1, Commander Rybak and the Commanding Officers of the other mine hunters laid a wreath at the monument. The ceremony contained a guard of honour provided by the Polish Navy and short prayers were held by Catholic and Evangelical priests. Polish media took the opportunity to interview COMSNMCMG1 and visit the ships

Bron: nato.int


Luv chief
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMar 23 Mar 2010 - 9:15

Voor de foto's van SNMCMGROUP1
Pour les photos de SNMCMGROUP1



Luv chief
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Nombre de messages : 3780
Age : 61
Localisation : Wiekevorst
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2009

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMar 23 Mar 2010 - 17:38

Merçi Luv,chouettes photosM915 Aster - Page 5 405572
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Maître Principal chef
Maître Principal chef

Nombre de messages : 371
Age : 57
Localisation : Zeebrugge (Belgium)
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2007

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyMer 31 Mar 2010 - 12:13


Attacks from two PA200 Tornados from the 51(GE) Tactical reconnaissance Wing on SNMCMG1 units were the most spectacular serials conducted whilst exercising in company with two 7th FPB Squadron units. Standing NATO MCM Group 1, from Monday 22 March, has been conducting training in the Mecklenburg Bight preparing for their biggest challenge in the first half of year

– Exercise Brilliant Mariner 2010, the NRF 15 Certification Exercise.

On completion of Polish Route Survey Operations, SNMCMG1 proceeded to
Warnemuende Naval Base where they conducted a port visit 19 – 22 Mar 10. The Group sailed Monday 22 March 2010 to conduct training in the Mecklenburg Bight, executing a detailed programme and making the final preparations for Exercise Brilliant Mariner 2010. SNMCMG1 remained in the Mecklenburg Bight until 2 Mar 10, when they moved to alternative training areas where ships will focus on Mine Warfare and Diving training.

The highlight of the past week was our interaction with Two German, Gepard Class, Fast Patrol Boats (FGS HYAENE and FGS WIESEL) from the 7th FPB Squadron.
The two FPB, together with SNMCMG1, participated in joint exercises over
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 March 2010. Anti Air Warfare exercises formed the crux of the training period with two aircraft (Panavia Tornado IDS) from the 51 (GE) Tactical Reconnaissance Wing conducting attacks on the group as part of the scheduled air defence exercises. During the attacks the German FPBs acted in the air defence role; protecting ships from the air assault as the Tornadoes flew some very impressive attack profiles against the force. SNMCMG1 was able to exercise both unit and group reactions over the two day period gaining some extremely
valuable training for all involved. This period proved to be extremely enjoyable and highly successful and most certainly prepared us for the challenges to come during our forthcoming exercises.

Bron: Nato


Luv chief
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Amiral de flottille
Amiral de flottille

Nombre de messages : 1105
Age : 73
Localisation : charleroi
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2008

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M915 Aster   M915 Aster - Page 5 EmptyJeu 8 Avr 2010 - 12:48

M915 Aster - Page 5 Asterk10
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Contenu sponsorisé

M915 Aster - Page 5 Empty
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M915 Aster
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