1729 blt 1944 Deutsche Werft AG, Bet Finkenwerder, Hamburg (34) (Zuteilungsnr 446)
K 15.2.1944 L 28.7.1944 registered 15.9.1944 del 28.9.1944
892 n 3147 dwt
301.4 (279.7) x 44.5 x 18.5 ft 91,85 (85,19) x 13,54 x 5,61 x 8,20 m
C 4 cyl 2 x 420 & 2 x 900 - 900 mm by Waggon & Maschinenbau AG, Görlitz 1200 IHP 10 kn
crew: 35
Hansa A type
L as SCHAUENBURG Flensburger Dampfer C° H. Schuldt & C°,
Flensburg Ge/
14.12.1944 badly damaged by Allied air attack at Libau
9.4.1945 damaged by Allied air attack at Pillau
à partir d'avril 1945 participe à l'évacuation des territoires de l'Est de l'Allemagne
May 1945 at Flensburg
3.7.1945 seized by the British in Flensburg
9.7.1945 arrived at Methyl
7.8.45-46 EMPIRE GALWAY Ministry of Transport, London Br/
(Walford Lines Ltd)
14.5.1946 pourparlers en vue de l'attribution comme prise de guerre
6.8.46-47 KINSHASA Belgian Gvt/Régie de la Marine, Antwerp Be/
(C° Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal) SA, mgrs)
47-49 KINSHASA Belgian Gvt/Régie de la Marine, Antwerp Be/
(C° Maritime Congolaise, mgrs)
9.5.49-51 KINSHASA C° Maritime Congolaise, Antwerp Be/
(Agence Maritime Internationale, mgrs)
left Antwerp for the Congo on 23.10.1946 - back 8.6.1950 after 4 years local service (Matadi-Durban)
hiver 1950/51 est resté environ 8 mois à Ostende
10.4.1951 sold
17.7.1951 left Antwerp for Copenhagen as Norwegian (see photo Wandelaer et sur l' Eau 9/1951 p 419)
51-56 ANNE REED D/S A/S Ibis, Bergen No/
(Johannes Larsen, mgr)
1956 rebuilt at Hamburg by H.C. Stülcken & Sohn
1942 grt 964 nrt 3800 dwt
7.1956 sold to DDG Hansa
28.9.56-64 PAGENTURM DDG Hansa, Bremen Ge/
May 1964 sold
18 June 1964 arrived La Spezia for BU by Ditta Lotti