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 Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer !

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Nombre de messages : 46382
Age : 56
Localisation : Quaregnon (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2007

Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer ! Empty
MessageSujet: Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer !   Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer ! EmptyJeu 7 Juil 2011 - 10:19

Le chef coq du Belgica s'est coupé à la main au large de Harwich (UK). Les gardes-côte anglais l'ont transporté du Belgica jusqu'à un hôpital anglais :


Harwich: Naval chef aboard Belgian ship rushed to hospital

A chef working on a Naval ship from Belgium is being rushed to hospital after lacerating his hand.

Thames Coastguard was alerted at approximately 11am about the incident on the Belgica where officers are currently carrying out an operation.

He is being taken from ship to shore by the Harwich lifeboat where he will then be transported to Colchester Hospital by the ambulance service.

Source : www.eveningstar.co.uk



Harwich: Navyman injured on warship

A member of the Belgian Navy was injured on a warship prompting calls to rescue teams.

The Harwich All Weather Lifeboat was launched to the Sunk Anchorage area, 14 miles off Harwich at 10.45 am on Tuesday.

A man had sustained cuts to his hands whilst aboard the warship and was in need of hospital treatment.

Crews helped transfer the injured man and a translator onto the lifeboat.

They were then taken back to Harwich lifeboat station where they where met by paramedics.

Source : www.harwichandmanningtreestandard.co.uk

marin barre


Les plus grands ne sont pas ceux qui ne tombent jamais, mais ceux qui se relèvent toujours !

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Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer ! 001_0010
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Un membre d'équipage du Belgica se blesse en mer !
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