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 Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2

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Nombre de messages : 7713
Age : 69
Localisation : ghislenghien
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011

Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2   Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2 EmptyMar 28 Oct 2014 - 7:48

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Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2

"My web site is known for World War 2 aircraft films, but I also love a good sub story. I did research and added graphics to ID some of the important figures not identified in the original film." Zeno, Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com Don't miss our DVD "Dive! Dive! Dive! Five classic World War II submarine warfare documentaries" http://bit.ly/N5rvlz

This film was completed shortly after the end of the War and contains rare footage on US submarine operations you won't find anywhere else. There is a cameo appearance by Japanese Fleet Admiral Nagano who discusses (in English) the effect of US sub operations on the ability of the Japanese to make war. That because the "pig boats" inflicted military and transport losses on the enemy that were far beyond their own tiny numbers. The program is introduced by Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, Jr, the legendary commander of Pacific submarine forces (COMSUBPAC) and narrated by Gene Kelly. The film is chocked full of dramatic footage shot on location by combat cameramen, including above and below surface actions and one of the Silent Service's most vital, but unsung, functions, the rescue of downed airmen in the combat zone. One of the highlights of the film is footage of Medal of Honor winner, Lt Commander George L. Street, leading an attack aboard "Submarine Warfare in the Pacific New This film was completed shortly after the end of the War and contains dramatic footage on US submarine operations you won't find anywhere else. See Tirante, Trigger and other subs in action along with their crews

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Nombre de messages : 7713
Age : 69
Localisation : ghislenghien
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011

Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2 Empty
MessageSujet: USS Bowfin WW2 Submarine   Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2 EmptyVen 26 Aoû 2016 - 8:41

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Submarine Warfare in the Pacific in World War 2
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