Nombre de messages : 7733 Age : 70 Localisation : ghislenghien Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Sujet: SNMCMG1 Lun 21 Avr 2014 - 8:55
.Nato Naval Squadron SNMCMG1 arrives at Newcastle Quayside 26th October 2012 . SNMCMG1 - Standing Naval Mine Counter Measures Group 1 consisting of the Belgian Support ship BNS Godetia with tugs Svitzer Lyndhurst and Svitzer Sun, followed by the Minesweepers HNLMS Willemstad (Netherlands), BNS Narcis (Belgium), HNOMS Karmoey (Norway), ENS Sakala (Estonia) ex HMS Inverness and FGS Fulda (Germany) arrives for a weekend visit