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 PT Boat 305

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Nombre de messages : 7734
Age : 70
Localisation : ghislenghien
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011

PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: PT Boat 305   PT Boat 305 EmptyLun 17 Nov 2014 - 7:55

pour ne pas faire d'erreurs de TRADUCTION texte d'origine

See the PT-305 all-volunteer boat restoration at the Kushner Restoration Pavilion at The National WWII Museum in New Orleans. One hundred ninety-nine Patrol Torpedo boats were built by the Higgins plant in New Orleans during World War II. Only five of those boats remain in the U.S. today and only one is operational

et pour nos machinistes:

PT Boat Engine Room Walk-through Tour of Higgins PT658 in Portland OR

Tour the worlds only operating authentically restored WW2 Higgins PT Boat PT658 Engine room! Powered by three Packard 5M-2500 V12 Gasoline engines rated at 1850 horsepower each! These beasts will propel the 50 ton boat at speeds up to 50 knots. Focus and explanation of Engine control gage board, DC Switchboard, shift levers, starter and generator, voltage regulator, tank level indicator, battery box, workbench, oil sump tank, starter solenoids, water cooled exhaust pipes, Supply and Exhaust Fans,
See additional videos of Engine Startup procedure, cranking engines, running the engines, finally followed by a short video of PT658 underway in downtown Portland OR.
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nous a quitté
nous a quitté

Nombre de messages : 2797
Age : 77
Localisation : THEUX
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2008

PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PT Boat 305   PT Boat 305 EmptyLun 17 Nov 2014 - 9:24

pour ne pas faire d'erreurs de TRADUCTION texte d'origine

See the PT-305 all-volunteer boat restoration at the Kushner Restoration Pavilion at The National WWII Museum in New Orleans. One hundred ninety-nine Patrol Torpedo boats were built by the Higgins plant in New Orleans during World War II. Only five of those boats remain in the U.S. today and only one is operational

Voir la restauration du PT-305 par le groupe "All-volunteer" au Pavillon de Restauration Kushner du Musée national de la seconde guerre mondiale à la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Cent nonante-neuf "Patrol torpedo" ont été construits par l'usine Higgins à la Nouvelle-Orléans pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Seulement cinq de ces bateaux demeurent aux États-Unis aujourd'hui et seulement un est opérationnel

et pour nos machinistes:

PT Boat Engine Room Walk-through Tour of Higgins PT658 in Portland OR

Tour the worlds only operating authentically restored WW2 Higgins PT Boat PT658 Engine room! Powered by three Packard 5M-2500 V12 Gasoline engines rated at 1850 horsepower each! These beasts will propel the 50 ton boat at speeds up to 50 knots. Focus and explanation of Engine control gage board, DC Switchboard, shift levers, starter and generator, voltage regulator, tank level indicator, battery box, workbench, oil sump tank, starter solenoids, water cooled exhaust pipes, Supply and Exhaust Fans,
See additional videos of Engine Startup procedure, cranking engines, running the engines, finally followed by a short video of PT658 underway in downtown Portland OR.

JeanMi   marin barre

---> voir ma présentation

PT Boat 305 001_0010
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Richard D.
Richard D.

Nombre de messages : 5464
Age : 82
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2011

PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: U BOOT U-864   PT Boat 305 EmptyLun 13 Juin 2016 - 13:39

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Richard D.
Richard D.

Nombre de messages : 5464
Age : 82
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2011

PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PT Boat 305   PT Boat 305 EmptyLun 13 Juin 2016 - 13:42

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Nombre de messages : 7734
Age : 70
Localisation : ghislenghien
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011

PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PT Boat 305   PT Boat 305 EmptyLun 13 Juin 2016 - 14:42

salut a toi Richard
mettre ton sujet dans la bonne rubrique car ici on mélange PT Boat et énigme allemande et sous marins allemand.
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
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PT Boat 305 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PT Boat 305   PT Boat 305 Empty

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PT Boat 305
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