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 navires de pêche belges perdus en 1914-18

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navires de pêche belges perdus en 1914-18 Empty
MessageSujet: navires de pêche belges perdus en 1914-18   navires de pêche belges perdus en 1914-18 EmptyJeu 31 Juil 2014 - 14:01

Bonjour à tous,

Voici une liste, probablement incomplète, des navires de pêche belges perdus durant la guerre 1914-18.
Les additions et modifications sont les bienvenues !

A +


ss = steamers
others = sailing vessels

BERNARD O 88 lost 14.3.1914 no casualties (ss) owners : SA Pêcheries à Vapeur (J. Bauwens) 49 t blt 1899 SA des Ateliers de Construction « Forges et Acieries », Bruges

JOSEF-HELENE O 160 lost 21.8.1914 no casualties owner : Joseph Aspeslagh 34,5 t
ex O 71 JUSTINE blt 1891 Hamman, Ostend

LOUIS-EMILE O 213 lost 7.10.1914 mine no survivors master Hendrik Smissaert + 5
On October 2-7, the Royal Navy laid 1464 mines off the Flanders coast. Without more details, one can’t be sure that these were responsible, but they would seem to be the leading suspects.
Owner : Louis Decroo 34,27 t blt 1909 Vve Deweert-Panesi, Ostend
Journal du 10.10.1914 : mercredi matin vers 9 h, la chaloupe O 213 heurta une mine sous-marine à 15 m de la côte.

VOORUIT O 180 seized by the Germans in 1915. Lost during the war. Owner : Georges Lescrauwaet 43,61 t (or 48,61 ?) blt 1902 Chantier Roeis, Ostend

JEUNE PROGRES O 118 stranded and lost Loon-Plage 17.1.1915. Owner : Auguste Peere 27,8 t blt 1898

DELTA B O 171 lost 2.6.1915 GF U 34 12 m SSW of Scilly pos. 49°40’N-06°30’W master Pierre Titeljon no casualties (ss) Owners : Reederij Delta NV (J. Nierynck) 74,20 t blt 1908 Cochrane & Sons, Selby L July 1908

VIVID N 1 150 grt lost 14.7.1915 mined and sunk off Calais mine laid by UC 3 no survivors master Benjamin Nyville + 3
(note : catched a mine which exploded while being recovered by crew ?)

LEON MATHILDE brought in as prize by UB 17 on 24.8.1915
pas de détails au sujet de ce navire.

MARGUERITE O 80 lost 31.1.1916 UB 17 near Lowestoft blt 1911 August Cattoor, Ostende 32,32 tons owners Vandewalle Gebroeders no casualties master Paul Decrop

DAVID MARIE Z 10 brought in as prize by UB 13 on 20.2.1916
blt 1911 8,77 nrt 27,16 grt owner : H. Debra probably not sunk (registered Zeebruges 1911-1930)

LA PETITE HENRIETTE Z 8 blt 1910 92 grt 13 nrt owners Debra H. 21.2.1916 sunk SE of Lowestoft by UB 12

Z 20 brought in as prize on 23.6.1916 by UB 16 for flying the Dutch flag (suspicion of espionage) pas de détails au sujet de ce navire

ROSALIE 219 Tx sunk by UB 6 23.9.1916 off Maas L/V also reported as lighter

DE JONGE GERMAINE 106 Tx sunk by UB 6 23.9.1916 off Maas L/V also reported as lighter

MARIE 98 Tx sunk by UB 6 23.9.1916 off Maas L/V also reported as lighter

LICHT TEVREDEN II 69 Tx sunk by UB 6 23.9.1916 off Maas L/V also reported as lighter

L’AVENIR O 50 lost 28.9.1916 North Sea U-boat Owners : Janssens & Mestdagh
38,96 t blt 1907 Aug. Hamman, Ostend sailing fishing vessel with auxiliary engine Cosmos 30 HP 3 cyl L 30.3.1907 o/v Rotterdam-London

ALPHONSE-MARCELINE O 218 lost 16.11.1916 off Cape Antifer 49°53’N-00°02’E G/F UB 40 no survivors master Jan Desomer + 3 Owner : Joseph Lescrauwaet 34,63 t blt 1911 L. Deweert, Ostend

HENDRIK N 25 lost 23.11.1916 UB 18 (reported as French in some sources) no casualties master Louis Vyaene 35 Tx

NARVAL O 141 lost 26.11.1916 when in Admiralty service as HMT 3268 (ss)
Was sunk by German destroyers. They stopped the Dutch BEIJERLAND 10 m N of Shipwash at 22.30h and took the S.S.’s pilot prisoner. BEIJERLAND states that at 22.45 h a vessel 0,5 m to the southward was sunk by the destroyers (being 12 in number, according to the Dutch steamer). This was the NARVAL, sunk while on her way from Grimsby to Harwich. The empty boat of NARVAL was picked up by trawler ATLANTA II on 27.11 in 52°03’5’’N-01°52’E. The whole crew was taken P.o.W. and were reported at Ruhleben prison camp on 8.12.1916. Captain = skipper James Robinson, RNR.
Owners : Reederij H.P. Aspeslagh 69,3 t blt 1910 Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley

NEPTUNE O 126 lost afternoon of 26.12.1916 T/S UC 46 near the Smalls 51°44’N-05°33’W no casualties master Louis Zonnekeyn (ss) Owners : Reederij H. P. Aspeslagh 70,5 t blt 1901 Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Hull

MARIA-MARCELLE O 215 lost near Shoreham in 1917 Owner : Victor Lauwereins 32,78 t blt 1911 A. Cattoor, Ostend

MARCELLE O 83 lost 30.1.1917 N60W off Trevose Head, pos. 50°45’N-05°30’W U 55 no casualties master August Wittrock + 10 crew (ss) owners : SA Pêcheries à Vapeur (J. Bauwens) 87,88 t 219 grt blt 1907 Cochrane & Sons, Selby
23.3.1916 rescued the crew of the Norwegian bark CHAEMA sunk by submarine GF 20 m SSE Main Head

ANNA PROSPER O 174 lost 5.2.1917 UB 40 together with British fishing smack EMERALD, 3 m NNE Smith’s Knoll Spar buoy 52°47’N-02°15’E. Owner : Henri Steenkiste 32 t blt 1906 Louis Deweert, Ostend

JUSTINE-MARIE P 82 16 grt lost 19.2.1917 off Dieppe captured and sunk by UC 65 no casualties master Louis Lenaers

DIAMOND CROSS P 103 29 grt lost 1.3.1917 between Treport and Boulogne UC 65 no casualties master August Vercouter

DE TIEN KINDERS O 214 44 grt lost 13.3.1917 Smith Knoll Spar buoy UB 32
Owner : Stéphanie Aspeslagh 33,94 t blt 1908 Vve Goormachtig, Ostend
On 13.3.1917 the ship was fishing 4 m to N of the Spar Buoy on Smith’s Knoll. Suddenly submarine opened fire. First shot hit her on the water line, the second went through the rigging. Ten shots fired before she sank. All papers and effects went down. They were eventually brought to Lowestoft by Mine sweeper 643.

MARIE-ZENOBIE P 51 16 grt lost 23.4 .1917 off Le Treport mine UC 71 no survivors master Camiel Christiaen + 3 (aussi repris comme CENOBIC à voir)

JEANNOT O 206 lost 5.9.1917 near Lowestoft UB 10 Owner : Albert Vroome 32 t blt 1905 Henri Panesi, Ostend
5.9.1917 date given by the German official history and Lloyd’s War Losses.
Was sunk by bombs by submarine noon Sept 5, 1917, 6 m WSW of Shar Buoy. No casualties.

ZEEVOGEL O 194 lost 19.10.1917 Shoreham

JOHN O 131 lost 3.1.1918 18 m SW Smalls in collision with O 55 COMTE HORACE VAN DER BURGH 5 casualties master Pierre Pincket (ss)
Owners : SA Pêcheries à Vapeur ( J. Bauwens) 75,74 t blt 1910 John Cockerill, Hoboken

LE JEUNE ARTHUR P 59 25 grt lost 29.1.1918 English Channel UB 54 no casualties master Louis Calcoen

MARIE P 48 16 grt lost 29.1.1918 pos. 49°50’N-00°17’W UB 54 no casualties master Pierre Gonsales

DE JULIA P 50 13 grt lost 29.1.1918 49°50’N-00°17’W Bay of Seine UB 54

DE TWEE MARCELS O 31 lost 29.1.1918 Bay of Seine 49°50’N-00°17’W GF UB 54 no survivors master Henri Corneau + 3. Owner : Henri Corneau 12,83 t blt 1912 L. Van Torre, Ostend

H. DEBRA HUYSSEUNE Z 5 46 grt 10 nrt lost 29.1.1918 Bay of Seine UB 54 owners Debra-Huysseune blt 1908

NR 14 ?? lost 27.1.1918 Bay of Seine UB 54 pos. 49°42’N-00°32’W maybe named FREE TO THE CORE ? German sources : 26 tons

JEAN-MATHILDE O 68 12 grt lost 29.1.1918 Bay of Seine abt 49°50’N-00°17’W UB 54 no casualties

EDOUARD-MARIE O 216 lost 5.3.1918 SW of Lizard UC 75 1 lost master Jean Severy Owner : Edouard De Gruyter 32,79 t blt 1907 Auguste Cattoor, Ostend maiden trip 30.7.1907 left Swansea on 20.2.1918 for Wolf Rock to fish. Crew 4. Du se réfugier à Penzance puis à Newlyn suite au mauvais temps. Quitte ce port le 2.3.
Le 5.3.1918 vers 7 h am, alors que la barque se trouve seule par 49°52’N-5°52’W, soit à 5 m au sud du Wolf Rock, un sous-marin vient en vue à 2 m dans le NE de la barque. G/F + charge explosive. Navire coule vers 8 h. Survivants abandonnés à bord d’un canot recueillis par un dragueur de mines anglais et débarqués à Penzance vers 14.30 h Patron, blessé suite au GF, achevé par un coup de revolver d’un gradé allemand monté à bord de la barque.

IVONNE O 164 lost 7.3.1918 in collision with Norwegian steamer HULDA 7 casualties
Owner : François Ghysel 12,10 t blt 1910 Aug. Hamman, Ostend

NUMITOR O 127 lost 20 April 1918 at 09.20h when in Admiralty service as HMT 3270 (ss) off Orfordness (52°07’18’’N-01°45’18’’ E) on a mine laid by UC 4 on 20.4.1918 North of Shipwash. Captain = skipper George Hillam, RNR and 4 crew died.
Owners : Reederij H.P. Aspeslagh 123 t blt 1903 Cochrane & Sons, Selby

DELTA A O 170 lost 21.4.1918 (Spindler lists 6.4 inexact) W. Hebrides 18 m S of St Kilda U 19 no casualties master Louis Coene 241 grt (Belgian lists : 77,13 t) (ss) blt 1908 Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing C° Ltd, Goole (Dutch River) (yard 126) L 1.8.1908
Owners : Reederij Delta NV (J. Nierynck)
Sunk by submarine 57°30’N-08°26’W. Crew made for St Kilda in two boats
6.10.1917 rescued 25 crew from British ss BEDALE sunk by submarine 10 m SE Hook Point
(master H. Goderis)
Rear Admiral Stornoway – The Secretary of the Admiralty 28 th April 1918 N° 1953/18/75 : Narrative Letter for Week ending 27th April 1918 : Sunday 21st April. At 1650, St Kilda reported fishing vessel being attacked by a submarine 15 miles SE by S ; the fishing vessel was sunk and the submarine was last reported at 2125 17 miles ENE, steering ENE. The fishing vessel proved to be the Belgian steam trawler DELTA A, O 170, on passage from Iceland to Fleetwood after fishing. Crew landed at St Kilda in their own boats. Two A.P. vessels were sent to hunt but saw nothing of the submarine, and brought the crew to Stornoway from where they were sent to Glasgow.

GODS GENADE O 79 lost 26.7.1918 Cross Sands L/V UB 40 Owner : Auguste Hamman 34,5 t blt 1912 Auguste Hamman

MARIE-EDMOND O 125 lost 7.10.1918 Beggerbank no casualties Owner : Vve Deckmyn-Dieusaert 31,88 t blt 1910 Aug. Hamman, Ostend

ELVIRE-MATHILDE O 48 lost 1 (or 2 ?).7.1919 mine near North Hinder L/V 4 casualties
Owner : Charles Rabou 34,46 t blt 1906 Hamman, Ostend

ANNA O 204 lost 6.7.1919 mine 18 m from Westcapelle no survivors master Charles Vercnocke + 3 Owner : Pierre Van Welssenaere 33,66 t blt 1906 Hamman, Ostend

JULIENNE O 113 lost 17.10.1919 no casualties owner Léon Vanwulpen 9 t blt 1910 Henri Panesi, Ostend

MAURICE O 181 stranded and lost Brouwershaven 1.12.1919 Owner : Vve Henri Demoor 33,86 t blt 1903 Hamman, Ostend

EDOUARD-PHILOMENE O 27 lost by explosion no details
Owner : Alphonse Deckmijn 8,52 t (or EDOUARD-MADELEINE ) ?? blt 1904 J. Borrey, Ostend

MARIE-ANGE O 200 sunk by the Germans at Ostend (devant les portes d’écluse 1er Bassin) in 1918 durant leur fuite.
blt Holland bought by Belgium 1914 (chaloupe à moteur auxiliaire) owner : J. Demarteau.

LYDIE O 225 lost during a storm Owner : Albert Vroome 31 t blt 1907 Henry Panesi-Vroome L 25.5.1907

ALBERT VROOME O 119 destroyed by the Germans at Ostend Owner : Albert Vroome 35,47 t

FLORIDA O 145 seized by the Germans at Ostend Owner : Albert Vroome 35 t blt 1892 Helsmoortel

EDOUARD SOPHIE Z 2 détruit Pays Bas durant WW I 6 nrt

JOSEPH-FLORIMOND Z 4 blt 1909 9 nrt ex B 21 owners Van Torre J détruit aux Pays-Bas during WW I

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