10434 blt 1945 Sun Shipbuilding & Drydock C°, Chester (Pennsylvania), type T2-SE-A1 (building way 15)
tanker (yard 457, USMC hull 1790) K 14.10.1944 L 19.1.1945 del 31.1.1945
6148 n 16423 dwt note: other source: hull 1784 ? Hull 1790 serait le MARNE ??
523.6 (504.0) x 68.3 x 30.2 ft 159,56 (153,62) x 20,79 x 9,20 x 11,95 m
2 steam turbines connected to elec. motor & sc. shaft by General Electric C°, Lynn., Mass.
14 kn 6000 HP
official n°247182
contract price: $ 2.950.000 final price: $ 2.621.023,18
contrat n° MCc 17762 du 20.4.1943
contract delivery date: 20.11.1944
contract delivery date extended from 20.11.1944 to 31.1.1945 approved by Commission 25.5.1945
(because of the inability to obtain the required materials and equipment as scheduled and failure of
the labor situation to improve)
named 31.10.1944
45-46 SALMON FALLS US War Shipping Administration, Philadelphia Am/
(War Emergency Tankers Inc)
laid up peu après la capitulation du Japon
9.46-47 SALMON FALLS US Maritime Commission, Philadelphia Am/
May 1947: sold
47-48 ESSO BRUSSELS Standard American Petroleum C° SA,
Antwerp Be/
5.7.1947 arrived at Antwerp coming from Galveston where a Belgian crew took charge
of the ship.
10.7.1947 left for Aruba.
48-55 ESSO BRUSSELS Esso Standard (Belgium) SA, Antwerp Be/
fin 1954 vente envisagée à la Societa di Navigazione "Corrado", Genoa It/ mais transfert refusé par le
Gouvernement belge estimant que la flotte marchande belge n'était pas assez importante pour subvenir aux
besoins nationaux et que l'ESSO BRUSSELS est une unité relativement récente
31.12.1954 left Antwerp for Sidon. On 7.1.1955, succeeded to take in tow, by
rough weather, the Greek trawler NERAIDA which was in distress; after 26 hours of
efforts, the vessels arrived at Khandia (Crete). (C. Charles Vanderperre)
15.7.1955 sold
17.7.1955 left Antwerp as Italian
55-66 CERERE Sicilarma Soc. di Nav. per Azioni, Palermo It/
(Corrado Soc. di Nav., Genoa)
12.2.1962 arrived at Genoa and laid up.
5.12.1963 left Genoa for the Gulf of Mexico.
26.5.1966 arrived La Spezia for BU by Cant. Nav. "Santa Maria" S.p.A..