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Nombre de messages : 2002
Age : 71
Localisation : Welkenraedt (Bel)
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2007

MessageSujet: BRABO   BRABO EmptyJeu 6 Aoû 2020 - 16:36


3699 blt 1899 Russell & C°, Port Glasgow (450) (Kingston Yard) L 21.9.1899  C 10.1899
3363 under deck  2314 n
340.0 x 46.1 x 17.9 x 28.5 ft    103,63 x 14,04 x 5,41 m
T 3 cyl 24", 39" & 65"-45"  300 HP by Rankin & Blackmore, Greenock
1 deck + spar deck
99-01 FEDERICA Fili Cosulich, Trieste AH/
01-06 FEDERICA Federica SS C° Ltd, Trieste AH/
(Fili Cosulich mgrs)
06-19 FEDERICA Unione-Austriaca di Nav. S.A., Trieste AH/
Aug. 1914 sheltered at Huelva
19-20 FEDERICA Unione di Nav. S.A., Trieste It/
20-24 FEDERICA Cosulich Soc. Triestina di Nav., Trieste It/
24-30 CARNAC Malabar Shipping C°, London Br/
30-39 LAIMDOTA J. Freyman, O. Andersons, J. Zalcmanis
& K. Jansons, Riga Lat/
(Latvian Shipping C°, mgrs)
1939 sold to Belgian breakers, resold
Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad du 25.1.1940: le groupe anversois Schellen a créé un nouvel armement,
l' Armement Anversois SA, lequel dispose d'un capital de 2 millions de FEB.
Cette compagnie a a acheté le steamer letton ss LAIMDOTA aangekocht,  qui sera rebaptisé RELLY
(note: quid ??)
39-42 BRABO Armement Anversois S.A., Anvers Be/
(L. Schellen & N. Aragon, mgrs),
14.3.1942 01.45 collided with Polish ss POZNAN (2038/26) off Blyth, in convoy.
Towed to North Shields for repairs. But after entering the Tyne she sank close to the inside wall of the north
breakwater. Work was carried out to patch the collision damage and inlets with the intention of raising the
vessel, but was temporarily halted for the Easter Holidays, then during that period an easterly gale blew up,
smashing part of the cofferdam and after an inspection she was written off as a total loss.
Some salvage work was carried out, but then the sea battered the rest of her remains to pieces
Was o/v Methyl-London with a cargo of rough wood pulp and steel. Capt. R. De Beaune + 37 crew.
No victim
In Sept 1939 the old LAIMDOTA (without nationality in LR) was at Willebroek for BU. During Belgium's
neutrality several new shipping companies were founded and one of them, the Armement Anversois,
bought the LAIMDOTA from the breakers. Towed to Antwerp on 28.11.1939, the ship was drydocked
and refitted by Mercantile Engineering and renamed. As such she made only two voyages (under
cdt. Kesteloot).
Fait partie du convoi FS 132 (Tyne 28.3.1940 - Southend 30.3.1940) et du HG 27 (Gibraltar 21.4.1940-
Downs 1.5.1940 with ore)
When she arrived at Antwerp on 9.5.1940, the crew was disbanded and the starboard
engine opened for cleaning. A day later war was declared, all ships left Antwerp but ss BRABO was
paralysed, berthed without crew, only half unloaded and in no condition to sail. On 14.5 the engine
was refitted and with a new crew she left Antwerp under command of Jean Segers and moored
behind the "Kruisschans" on the River Scheldt. She was the last ship to leave Antwerp before the
German invasion and but for her chief engine-driver's determination and courage would never have
been able to do so.
On 15.5.40 she left the Kruisschans and sailed to Flushing, then to Dunkirk. During the voyage she
was attacked and bombed twice by German aircraft and damaged. (Ju 88 from KG 30)
On 17.5.40 she left Dunkirk for Boulogne, then for Brest where she arrived on 19.5. On 6.6.40 she left
Brest for Port Talbot where she arrived two days later. The vessel was discharged on 12.6 and then
taken to DD for a refit. On 1.7.40 she made her first voyage for the Allies between UK and USA/
Canada.(Fait partie du convoi SC 2 Sydney CB 25.8.1940 - Liverpool 10.9.1940).
In Sept 1940 Cpt Segers was substituted by Capt Meyvaert.
Fait partie du convoi OB 260 (Liverpool 16.12.1940 - dispersed 19.12.1940, destiné à Sydney CB)
Fait partie du convoi SC 36 (Sydney CB 1.7.1941 - Liverpool 19.7.1941, lumber)
Fait partie du convoi BB 50 (Belfast Lough 19.7.1941 - Milford Haven 21.7.1941)
Fait partie du convoi ON 7 (Liverpool 15.8.1941 - dispersed 25.8.1941, destiné à St Johns NF)
Fait partie du convoi SC 46 (Sydney CB 24.9.1941 - Liverpool 10.10.1941, steel, pulpwood)
Fait partie du convoi WN 191 (Oban 9.10.1941 - Methil 12.10.1941)
Fait partie du convoi FS 620 (Methil 14.10.1941 - Southend 16.10.1941)
Fait partie du convoi FN 546 (Southend 7.11.1941 - Methil 9.11.1941)
Fait partie du convoi FN 573 (Southend 8.12.1941 - Methil 10.12.1941)
Fait partie du convoi EN 19 (Methil 14.12.1941 - Oban 17.12.1941, in ballast)
Egalement repris comme faisant partie du convoi EN 21 (Methil 18.12.1941 - Oban 21.12.1941 in ballast  quid ??)
Fait partie du convoi ON 51 (Liverpool 27.12.1941 - dispersed 11.1.1942, destiné à Halifax)
Fait partie du convoi SC 69 (Halifax 10.2.1942 - Liverpool 27.2.1942, steel, pulp)
Fait partie du convoi WN 254 (Oban 5.3.1942 - Methil 8.3.1942 repris comme arrivé avec le WN 252
(Oban 1.3.1942 - Methil 5.3.1942 quid ??)
When sailing in convoy FS 749, from Methyl (left 13.3.1942) to London (Southend , she was rammed
by the Polish ss POZNAN on 14.3.42 at 01.45 near Blyth. Badly damaged and in sinking condition, she
proceeded to Newcastle, but the tugs and salvage ships came too late and ss BRABO grounded
and sank at 13.30 near North Pier Head of Newcastle.
Since then, the wreck has caused a lot of trouble to salvage experts and to shipping in that area.
Many attempts to remove the wreck were abandoned by the Admiralty Salvage Section.
In June 1949 the work was taken up again by the Admiralty with two salvage craft, later the coastal
salvage vessel HMS SUCCOUR worked with explosives and cut away or carved out sections of the
hull. Every winter the job was interrupted until the coming of fine weather. On 11.9.1950, the bow was
raised and put ashore, and on 19.11.1950 the last section of the ship was finally removed and
broken up, clearing the Tyne channel after more than eight years.

BRABO Brabo_10
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